A luxurious low energy smart house – a private home in Tallinn, Estonia. It has Fibaro Smart Home solution and automatic curtains. There is also a unique stretch ceiling in
How To Choose LED Lights?
Do you sometimes feel confused when standing in front of the shelves of LED lights? Yes, compared to traditional lights, LED lights offer much more options. However, this makes their selection somewhat
How To Choose a Desk Lamp?
MASTERLIGHT annab nõu, milliseid omadusi tasub otsida kaasaegses laualambis, et lisaks sobivale välimusele täidaks valgusti oma eesmärgid ja ei tekitaks kasutajale kasu asemel kahju. 1. Milleks mul on laualampi vaja?
What are professional LED lights?
Lighting industry knows two types of lighting – lights made for mass market and lights made for lighting professionals (architects, interior designers, contractors, electricians, lighting designers). Cheap low quality mass