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Näitan 81–120 tulemust 1692-st Sorted by price: high to low
Dimmable, selectable light tone (during installation) 3000K/3500K/4000K
7-14 päeva
3000K: 1440lm 3500K: 1670lm 4000K: 1430lmDimming range: 20-100% of the
Elegantne kristallidega lühter magamistoa või elutoa, salongi valgus
Romantiline valge roosi motiiviga rippvalgusti E27 pesaga
Erinevate automaatsete valgustusreziimidega trepikontroller LEDribadel
DALI control input (DT4), requires a minimum load of 10WAdjusts to the
Dimming range: 20-100% of the light output with TRIAC dimmer 4000lm 4000K
Dimming range: 20-100% of the light output with TRIAC dimmer | Recomme
Separation point: 55,55mm with 7,777 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-
120CM 40W LED 100° 3000K/3500K/4000K 4800lm
Stackable LED surface mount/pendant lamp Linear grid 40W black
Üldvooluga töötav stiilne lineaarne LED valgusti. Komplektis 2m rip
Pindpaigaldusega lineaarne jätkatav leedvalgusti. Vali lisaks kas Mai
IP42 420olm dimmerdatav LED laevalgusti must
IP42 4200lm dimmerdatav laevalgusti
High efficiency strip is designed to match more light output and less
Dimmable, selectable light tone (during installation) 2700K/3000K/4000K
Separation point: 25mm with 12 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-centre
Vahetatavate E27 LED pirnidega suitsuklaasist kuplitega laevalgusti, m
input 12 – 48V, 4CHx 6A for RGB, RGBW LED DMX or DALI control
5-7 päeva
Single color Flex Tape 2700K with double row of LED’s With 3M adhesiv
Süvistataval LED-valgustil on sügaval asetsev valgusallikas, mis vä
Can be used in combination with remote controls Art. nrs. 214-142, 214
12mm 2700K 770lm 96LED/m CRI90
DALI DIMMABLE 3000K 3500lm CRI92 30° – 50° focussable
DALI DIMMABLE 4000K 3500lm CRI92 30° – 50°focussable
LED kontorivalgusti, koolivalgusti, büroohoone valgusti
Üles 30% ning alla 70% valgustav suure valgustugevusega töökohavalg
Üldvooluga töötav stiilne lineaarne LED valgusti.
This module is ready to plug in and ready to connect for our panel ser
Alumiiniumkorpusega minimalistlik laia valgusvihuga üldvalgusti