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Näitan 1–40 tulemust 41-st Sorted by price: high to low
With Philips driver and surge protector. Optional light / dark switch
5-7 päeva
Surface or suspended. Light tone selectable
7-14 päeva
This Philips Xitanium Casambi LED driver is adjustable via SimpleSet t
Fittings — metal, shades — gold, nickel. Ring with perforated orna
Metal body. Swivel mechanism for adjusting the light flux. Two LED lig
This LED driver has not one but two programmable outputs (constant cur
The 214-151 is a Triac RF dimmer designed with 100-240VAC input and 10
Ühefaasiline valgustisiin Global™ Pikkus (mm): 3000Laius (mm):
triac+push dim. Soft-on and fade-in dim function for optimum comfort
5 to 15 x 2,5 Watt modules
This Philips Xitanium LED driver can be set via SimpleSet in an output
What is so extraordinary about this Triac dim driver, is that it’s d
Ühefaasiline valgustisiin Global™ 2mPikkus (mm): 2000Laius (mm): 30
Sobib standardsele ühefaasilisele siinile “Global”. Nurgakonnektor.&n
Välivalgustite sari WallE, mis on disainitud töötama Enlite GU10 pi
Metal body. Part of the luminaire series with a swivel mechanism for a
Pinnapealne laevalgusti toru – valige eraldi GU10 pirn
Pulbervärvitud must pinnapealne silindervalgusti GU10 sokliga. Esikus
Metal body. The light source is an LED module. Swivel mechanism. High
Incl. 1 meter 3-pole connection cable which can be easily removed from
Wall type – Indoor
350mA draiver LED valgustitele. Maksimaalselt saab ühendada 3-9W jagu
Viimased 2tk laos