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Single color Flex Tape 2700K with double row of LED’s With 3M adhesiv
5-7 päeva
24V, flexible LED strip (6LED/step=62.5mm(24V)) with 3M adhesive tape
Single color Flex Tape 2700K for indoor use with vertical light output
With this COB LED strip, in contrast to a traditional LED strip, there
RGB Flex Tape for outdoor use – with 3M adhesive tape on the back
24V, flexible LED strip (6LED/step =33.3mm) with 3M adhesive tape on
RGB Flex Tape for indoor use – with 3M adhesive tape on the back
Single color Flex Tape 3000K for outdoor use – with 3M adhesive tape o
Dual color Flex Tape with adjustable color temperature from 2700K~6000
Single color Flex Tape for outdoor use in 3 white colorsWith 3M adhesi
24V flexible LED strip (6LED / step = 100mm) with 3M adhesive tape on