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Näitan 41–64 tulemust 64-st Sorted by price: high to low
dimmable via 1-10V DC control voltage or rotary potentiometer (100kO)
7-14 päeva
LED Panel Backlight Line 600 UGR<19 8H/8H,CRI90, 36W, neutral white, dimmable
840 36W 4600lm, dimming range: 20-100% of the light output with TRIAC dimmer | Slim 10mm+driver
Soliidse disaini ning ühtlase valgusega E1230™ seeria laepaneele sa
2200lm 30x6cm 3000K LED CRI90. Alumiiniumist korpus. Lai valgusvihk
2610lm 30x6cm 3000K LED. Metal body. CRI90 LED light source. Wide beam angle
1800lm 30x6cm 3000K LED. Metal body. CRI90 LED light source. Wide beam angle
can be extended/aligned as required up to 1000W total connected load,
IP42 4500lm 4000K
Metal body. The light source is an LED module. Swivel mechanism. High
triac+push dim. Soft-on and fade-in dim function for optimum comfort
The slim E6060™ edge-lit LED panel 5000K
Soliidse disaini ning ühtlase valgusega E6060™ seeria laepaneele sa
Suure valgustugevusega värelusvaba 60×60 LED paneel, mis ei muutu ajaga kollaseks