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Näitan 1–40 tulemust 173-st Sorted by price: high to low
Separation point: 33,33mm with 5,9994 SMD each | pitch (chip centre to
7-14 päeva
Metal fittings in two colors: chrome and brass. Dome lamp of frosted g
Stainless steel and glass fittings, fittings color — chrome. Texture
Reinforcement material – aluminum, shades – black, gold. Hidden mount.
Fittings material— metal. Color — black. Bidirectional light flux.
Voodipeatsi riiul/LED lamp taustavalguse, lugemislambi ja USB laadijaga
Fittings and dome lamps of metal. Shades — matte black and white. Do
Brushed metal fittings, shades – brass, marble. Diffuser of two types:
IP54 280lm 3000K
Series of landscape lamps. Body — metal, color — graphite. LED mod
3000K 430lm IP54
280lm 3000K IP54
430lm 3000K IP54
Separation point: 25mm with 6 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre)
Separation point: 25mm with 5.975 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to cen
Separation point: 50mm with 9 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-centre)
Separation point: 50mm with 8,95 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-cent
3000K 280lm IP54
Wall lamp. White plaster body. Paintable.
Metal fittings. Trendy minimalistic design. High color rendering index
Separation point: 33.33mm with 5.9994 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to
3000K. Eemaldatavad labad ülemise kitsama valgusvihu tekitamiseks
incl. removable anti-glare flap on top for narrow angle, incl. transfo
Separation point: 20mm with 6 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre)
Separation point: 10mm with 3 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre)