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Näitan 281–320 tulemust 393-st Sorted by price: high to low
Single color Flex Tape for indoor use – with 3M adhesive tape on the b
5-7 päeva
This IP20 reflector downlight can be placed in various spaces such as offic
The Pro system Modular 230V is a distinctive system in the professiona
Schuko grounded
LED Tree Lighting with low voltage 36V, developed for easy-to-use in 4
Soodne valitava valgustooniga õhuke 1.2m LED valgusti
LED tänavavalgustuslamp posti/masti otsa
7-14 päeva
Pro System Modular 36V Low voltage modular lighting system to create s
This reflector downlight can be placed in various spaces such as offic
Pulbervärvitud valge pinnapealne silindervalgusti GU10 sokliga. Esiku
Due to the pre-settable light color, this downlight is suitable for pl
ThThe Pro system Modular 230V is a distinctive system in the professio
Including power cable and 2-way connector.
Tronix modules are equipped with a Plug&Play connector. The connec
Wall Type – Indoor
IP44 840/900/900Lm (12W) 1260/1350/1350Lm (18W); 3000K, 4000K or 6000K
Öö/päeva-valguslüliti taimeriga
These Downlight-Spots are the newest generation of LED Downlights. The
Pulbervärvitud must pinnapealne silindervalgusti GU10 sokliga. Esikus