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Näitan 1–40 tulemust 158-st Sorted by price: high to low
Dimmable, selectable light tone (during installation) 2700K/3000K/4000K
7-14 päeva
IP20 11800lm dimmerdatav laevalgusti, prismaatiline diffuusorkate
IP20 8200lm dimmerdatav laevalgusti, prismaatiline diffuusorkate
Võimsus ja valgustoon valitav valgusti katte all olevatest lülititest.
5-7 päeva
Separation point: 25mm with 7 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre)
Separation point: 25mm with 6 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre)
Separation point: 50mm with 6 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-centre)
IP20 5800lm dimmerdatav laevalgusti
Separation point: 33,33mm with 5,9994 SMD each | pitch (chip centre to
Chrome-plated metal frame. Ultra-modern design using a LED module.
IP42 420olm dimmerdatav LED laevalgusti must
IP40 3400lm dimmerdatav laevalgusti, saab vajadusel ühendada DALI juhtimissüsteemi
Dimmable bedside reading lamp LED 2700K 30° CRI90 400lm+ wireless charger
Separation point: 50mm 1250lm 2700K
Single color Flex Tape 2700K for indoor use with vertical light output
Separation point: 20mm with 6,98 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre-to-cent
Separation point: 25mm with 5,975 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to cen
Separation point: 33mm with 7,887 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to cen
Separation point: 100mm with 6 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to centre
With this COB LED strip, in contrast to a traditional LED strip, there
Separation point: 50mm with 6,45 SMD each | pitch (chip centre to cent
Separation point: 25mm with 5.975 SMD each | Pitch (chip centre to cen